After graduating from college, Takuya Suzuki began his career at Square Enix’s Visual Works Department, creating background models for the acclaimed “Final Fantasy” series. Seeking further professional development, he relocated to the U.S. and joined Blizzard Entertainment’s Cinematics Team as a Senior Artist. While with Blizzard he contributed his expertise to AAA titles including “Overwatch,” “Diablo III,” “StarCraft II,” and “World of Warcraft,” and specialized in background design and modeling. Currently, he is actively involved in seminars mentoring students, and educating in-house artists in the same environment as at Blizzard, and is committed to paving the way for the future of the Japanese CG industry.
Takuya will be speaking on The sights and sounds of GUNDAM: Requiem for Vengeance, 5:30p Sunday.