Usually attendees at MomoCon interacting with but a small segment of the people who gather every year to bring MomoCon to life. This group, plus 1200+ other “siblings”, take pride in bringing you a weekend of fun and excitement each year.
Like many families, ours doesn’t get together as often as we’d like. Some of us have moved away, gotten married/started families, or have followed other pursuits in other directions…, but MomoCon remains our family reunion. We don’t always get along, and sometimes we fight. The kids pull each other’s hair, and the adults get passive-aggressive. We don’t always make it to every meeting or even every convention year.
In an effort to bring our family together more often and to bring events even more events to our community (“the cousins”), we began to branch out from the main convention. Believe it or not, MomoCon has been hosting photoshoots and other community events since 2005! This year we are taking on many more events than usual and touring conventions all over the Southeast. All to promote the convention we love as well as to raise additional operating money as well as for our charity. Thus, MomoCon On Tour was born.
Now, MomoCon, is coming back, May 22-25, 2025. Until then, join Our Family for dances, game days, photoshoots, art contests, screenings and much more throughout the year.