Industry Exhibitors

Information on Industry Exhibitors coming soon for the 2025 event!

Extra tables, electrical needs, and other special accommodations will be provided through an outside company, accepted vendors will be provided with the necessary information before the con.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to Contact Us.  Are you a vendor who needs to see an example contract information?  Please click here


How many tables/spaces can I get?

We have a limit of eight booths per vendor

What time is setup?

Wednesday, specific time TBA.  The convention begins Thursday at 2pm.

How are dealers spaces handled when requested?

When the form goes live, we will have pre-allocated categories, and dealers will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis within their categories (e.g. we have three spots for kimono dealers, the first three kimono dealers who inquire will get those spots).  The contract will be posted here at least one month prior to the registration date so that prospective dealers may read over the rules prior to registering.

Can I vend food/adult materials?

The Georgia World Congress Center officially does not condone the sale of food products in the hall, however MomoCon as an organization has no restrictions on sales of pre-packaged food items.  Please be aware if you bring pre-packaged food items you do so at your own risk, we will defer to any requests from the venue should they arise. Fresh-made or non-packaged foodstuffs are not permitted at any time. 18+, decorative contact lenses, and adult products are not permitted to be sold at MomoCon at any time.

Can I vend weapons?

No bladed weapons, wooden weapons are allowed.

Will there be side rooms for extra dealers?

No. All dealers will be located in one large room.

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