Make sure your event fits in with one of the aspects of MomoCon: Anime/Animation, Gaming (all kinds), Costuming, Physical Arts (including martial arts and flow), Workshops, and Comics. Make sure you do ample research, be prepared on your topic, and have all of your participants ready. Don’t pick a topic/show/workshop you know “a little” about and wing it! Supporting documentation, references from other conventions at which you hosted the panel, and very detailed descriptions are the most helpful for us when we are choosing which panels/events are accepting into MomoCon’s offerings! Having flexibility in hours also helps us in placement; are you ok running your panel after 11pm or on Thursday afternoon or evening? Let us know!
Are you a musical performance or improv/in-character performance group/event? You will be asked to provide references of past events, performances, or experience upon receipt of your signup form. Good things to have for this are videos of performances, references from other events, improv experience with performing troupes, and details details details!
MomoCon is an all ages convention, and therefore we DO NOT permit content that is 18+ (although panels with strong language are a-ok! We just need to put up a content warning on any of those), or anything that may violate our agreements with the venue(s) (such as some food-based events) or compromise us legally. We ask that the primary host of each panel or event be at least 16 years old. If you intend to have some “blue” or adult language in your presentation, please let us know so it can be marked with a warning. Accepted sessions will be provided one membership per accepted panel.