
JOIN US IN 2025!


A convention is only as good as the people who support it, so all MomoCon volunteers are more than appreciated!  You can contact volunteers@momocon.com for more information should you need it!

Interested in volunteering in the future? Sign up for more info for 2025 and beyond!

Volunteer Meetings


Volunteer meetings are typically held at the Omni Hotel in downtown Atlanta.  Relevant dates for volunteers including the form and meetings for the upcoming convention are coming soon for 2025!

Jan 11th – Omni Dogwood Room – 2:30p
Feb 23rd – digital meeting – https://www.youtube.com/momocontv
March 8th – In Person meeting, location TBD
April 12th – digital meeting – https://www.youtube.com/momocontv
May 4th – Omni Dogwood Room – 2:30p



The meetings generally follow the same agenda:

    • Welcome – Learn what it means to volunteer at MomoCon.
    • Department Info – Hear what each department does and their volunteer needs/requirements.
    • Breakout Sessions – Meet with the individual departments that interest you.
    • Customer Service Training – You’re recommended to attend once a year. Some departments require this for their volunteers.
    • Questions at the Meetings – Volunteer Relations is located in the back of the room for questions and troubleshooting.

Questions about anything volunteering related? Please contact us at volunteers@momocon.com.



Age Restrictions


The minimum volunteer age is 16 (some exceptions for parent+child volunteer teams in the same department and same shifts). ALL volunteers under the age of 18 at the time of the convention must submit a parental permission form each convention year. If a person under 18 has no parental form on file before the convention, they will be unable to volunteer.  Volunteers 15 and under are only permitted to volunteer if their parent or guardian is also volunteering in the same department and same shifts.

The parental form will be sent to the guardian on file through Eventeny. If you have any questions, please email volunteers@momocon.com.



  • Evaluating panels submitted pre-convention
  • Required availability for Sat AMV contest, collecting ballots, operational support
  • Providing on site support to video room, including minor device maintenance and monitoring room


  • Providing crowd management for autograph lines
  • Answering questions at the autographs desk

Board Gaming

  • Experience (or willingness to learn) board games to teach sessions for most positions
  • Library management positions available, including late/overnight, for those unfamiliar with many games

Content Management

  • Monitoring and logging information during panels (attendance, panelists, etc.)
  • Compiling this information digitally for the Programming team
  • A great way to see a bunch of panels while you are on shift!

Costuming Programming and Contests

  • Signing up participants, coordinating competitors and executing both costume contests
  • Availability on Fri and Sat nights required (contest line-up and catwalk)
  • Monitoring and assisting with Costuming Guest Exhibits

Couch Competitions

  • Preparation of equipment/consoles in the Couch Comps area
  • Coordinating smaller tournaments and speedrun challenges

Crowd Control

  • Crowd management at key points out side of panel rooms, in hallways, and in the Exhibit and Gaming halls
  • Some seated positions available

Exhibit Support

  • Check in and out for all partners and vendors in the Exhibit Hall
  • Monitoring and solving problems for partners in the Exhibit Hall throughout the weekend
  • Due to many positions needing to make walking circuits, not recommended for those who cannot stand for long periods

Fan-Organized Photoshoots

  • Coordination sign-ups for fan-organized photoshoots, placements, working with submissions to avoid conflicts, before the convention
  • Monitoring at-convention shoots for any issues and to help with coordination

Film Crew

  • Taking video sets during the convention of crowd activities and special shot lists
  • Some video equipment will be provided
  • Filming/amateur video experience recommended heavily

Guest Relations

  • Providing support for guest needs as a team and as an individual, depending on role within the department
  • Have needs for some seated roles at the Speakers Lounge desk, but largely those with ability to be on their feet preferred
  • 18+ required for all positions, business casual dress requirement, additional interviews required for final placement in department

Gundam Build Area

  • Hands on help for participants
  • Preparing and staging materials, tools
  • Signing in participants and their builds

Handheld Gaming

  • Monitoring handheld area, cleaning up, prepping equipment
  • Coordinating smaller handheld tournaments


  • Answering attendee questions with the aid of provided information resources
  • Seated positions available

Karaoke and Performances

  • Taking sign ups and coordinating attendee performers at the Karaoke stage
  • Afternoon/evening hours availability required


  • Evening availability preferred, due to game timing
  • Managing and coordinating with local LARP groups for games during the convention

Large Workshops

  • Hands-on help for workshop participants
  • Preparing and staging crafting materials for workshops
  • Signing in participants

Livestream Booths

  • Preparation/breakdown of equipment/PCs in the Livestream Booths area
  • Signing in and signing up online streamers to use the booths, managing the schedule
  • Experience with OBS/live streaming equipment preferred but not necessary

Free Play Gaming

  • Preparation/breakdown of equipment/consoles in the Free Play area
  • Availability on Thurs/Sun a plus!
  • Signing in players and signing out controllers and consoles

Gaming Support

  • Preparation/breakdown of equipment/consoles in the gaming areas
  • General problem solving in the Esports and Digital Gaming halls
  • Early morning, mid day, and late night scheduling options available

Media Relations

  • Supporting media outlets for scheduling for and coordinating around guest interviews
  • 18+ required for all positions, please no cosplay on shift, additional interviews required for final placement in department


  • Basic retail duties, stocking, register, etc.
  • Retail experience highly preferred
  • Cosplay encouraged!


  • Researching guests, compiling questions, coordinating with guests on site during panels
  • 18+ required for all positions, business casual dress requirement, additional interviews required for final placement in department

Overnight Logistics

  • Overnight (1am – 9am) availability required
  • Physically moving items during convention, solving problems
  • Not recommended for those not able to lift items or stand


  • Taking photo sets during the convention of both crowd activities and scheduled panels and events
  • Cameras will not be provided, applicants should have their own equipment
  • Positions for cataloging and archiving photos available, Lightroom experience required for these positions.

Physical Arts

  • Aiding in setup, coordination, and monitoring of marital arts events, demos, panels
  • Experience (red belt or higher) in any martial art strongly preferred
  • Dance experience or interest, especially K-pop/J-pop, hip hop, or belly dance


  • Customers facing positions or back of the house positions; sitting, standing, or walking positions available
  • Many hours available, early and late, before and during the event
  • Costumes permitted, but the face must be visible


  • Seeking experienced DMs and GMs in multiple RPG game systems
  • Availability all day and late evening


  • Monitoring and solving problems for attendees throughout the weekend
  • 18+ required for all applicants
  • Largely walking position, not recommended for those who cannot stand or walk for long periods

Load In/Out

  • Need availability Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sun
  • Moving materials
  • Not recommended for those not able to lift items or stand


  • Many hours, options available
  • Physically moving items during convention, solving problems
  • Not recommended for those not able to lift items or stand

Loss Prevention

  • Monitoring and solving problems for partners in the Exhibit Hall throughout the weekend
  • 18+ required for all applicants


  • Experience with Photoshop and In Design highly preferred
  • Creating, updating, and distributing signs throughout the convention

Social Deduction Gaming

  • Coordinating and sometimes moderating social games, such as Werewolf or Two Rooms and a Boom
  • Early and late night options available

Social Media

  • Providing an on-site view through the MomoCon social media channels of panels, events, activities, and crowds at MomoCon 2020
  • Experience with various social media outlets (photo, video, text) highly recommended
  • Volunteers should have their own smart phone device for recordings and photos

Technical Operations

  • Running cords, sound boards, speakers, mics, various technical equipment in panel and main events rooms
  • Experience with larger room tech equipment preferred, but not required (church sound boards, large venue tech, etc.)


  • Preparation/breakdown of equipment/consoles in the Tournaments area
  • Experience running brackets at FG tournaments preferred
  • Taking signups and answering tournament questions

Video Broadcast

  • Operating video cameras and video switching equipment
  • Experience with broadcast video cameras and video switching preferred but not required (they will teach you!)
  • Equipment is provided, 18+ required

Video Showings

  • Evaluating submissions and selecting video programming pre-convention
  • Providing on site support to video rooms, including minor device maintenance and monitoring rooms

Volunteer Care Lounge

  • Setup and breakdown of the Volunteer Care Lounge, including monitoring supplies throughout the weekend
  • Monitoring the door to the room to prohibit non-volunteers
  • Providing support to the volunteer after party for prizing support and giveaways

Volunteer Relations

  • Email coordination with departments throughout the year before the convention
  • Aiding sign ups and questions at volunteer meetings
  • Providing on site support to the volunteer departments during the convention

Volunteer Solutions

  • Answering volunteer questions with the aid of provided information resources
  • Seated positions available
  • Maintaining and logging lost and found materials

Will Call

  • Specialty issues and disability services aid at Registration
  • Largely seated position
  • Additional interviews required for final placement in department


  • Hands-on help for workshop participants
  • Preparing and staging crafting materials for workshops
  • Signing in participants

Volunteer Policies

Thank you for your interest in volunteering your time and effort to help make MomoCon amazing. Volunteers that are accepted to any department within MomoCon must respect and abide by these policies while at the annual MomoCon convention or any MomoCon affiliated event.

General Information

    1. Volunteers are assigned tasks and duties to complete during their shifts. ust be able to devote time and effort to the event before, during and after.
    2. Volunteers are expected to complete 16 volunteer hours during the convention (more in select departments). Arrive on time and stay for your complete shift.
    3. Volunteers are required to abide by the same rules as attendees, and should be well-read on all MomoCon official policies
    4. Volunteering in a certain department is contingent on approval by the department leadership.
    5. Volunteers are asked to attend at least one volunteer meeting per convention year. 

Personal Information, Communication, and Privacy

    1. All volunteers are required to provide accurate information to MomoCon, with the understanding that no information will be shared outside of the convention.
    2. The Volunteer Relations team may reach out if the information provided in your application is incomplete or formatted incorrectly and needs to be updated.
    3. Communication with your department’s Director (or designated other leadership) continuously throughout the year. If volunteers are unreachable through email or phone in a timely manner at any time, they will be taken off the volunteer list and will not qualify for any volunteer benefits.
    4. Volunteers should join any Facebook groups or email lists associated with their section, if applicable, as well as the MomoCon Volunteers group.
    5. Volunteer meetings, volunteer events, and communications between Directors and general volunteers may contain information from MomoCon which may be confidential and privileged. Please refrain from any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this information and note that such actions are prohibited until an official statement is released by the convention. This includes guest announcements, events, and convention policies and practices.

Rules and Regulations

  1. Volunteers are restricted from any activity that will distract them from assigned duties. This includes, but is not limited to, working for a vendor or artist, focusing on a personal mobile device when they’re supposed to be focused on attendees, participating in a contest while staffing said contest, etc. After their scheduled hours, volunteers are welcome to enjoy the convention, but MomoCon duties take precedence over other activities while the volunteer is on shift.
  2. Alcohol and illegal substances are not allowed to be carried or consumed by volunteers while on shift.
  3. No one on any state’s sex offender registry will be permitted to volunteer for MomoCon.
  4. Volunteer badges, like all MomoCon badges, are non-transferrable. If a volunteer gives their issued badge to another person, that volunteer is subject to expulsion and permanent ban from volunteering at future MomoCon events.
  5. As a representative of MomoCon, volunteers are asked to abide by certain etiquette standards before, during, and after the convention. Volunteers are to conduct themselves in a professional manner regarding the convention, are asked to refer to official MomoCon announcements when on any public forum (social media, print media, etc.), and to notify info@momocon.com if you notice a problem throughout the year regarding MomoCon, online or otherwise. Thoughtfully consider your posts and comments if you have MomoCon listed on your resume or online profile, as your performance reflects on the event.
  6. Equipment at MomoCon is to be treated with respect and care. Remember that the convention owns equipment, and some is rented and loaned. All equipment should be returned in the condition it was checked out or issued.


  1. Volunteers in most departments are welcome to cosplay, so long as the costume does not interfere with the person’s ability to perform his/her function or interfere with attendees’ movements in the hallways. Please check with your Department’s leadership if you are unsure if a cosplay or costume piece is conducive to completing your volunteer duties.
  2. Volunteers receive ‘MomoCon Volunteer’ shirts during the convention. While it is preferred that these shirts are worn while on shift, volunteers may wear them on their personal time, with the exception of if the volunteer is working for another organization like a vendor or artist while off shift.
  3. Remember that wearing ANY volunteer attire, including your issued volunteer badge, still means that you represent the convention and should be mindful of your behavior.


  1. Should a volunteer fail to abide by the rules outlined in this document, or behave untoward while representing the convention (whether it be at the event, on a public forum, or otherwise), a warning, reassignment, or expulsion may be enacted. The severity of the offense will dictate the severity of the discipline.
  2. The Convention Chair, Staffing Director, and one other Director will be the deciding factor in any arbitration or disciplinary action.


  1. Volunteers who volunteer more than 15 hours over the weekend will receive one free weekend admission to MomoCon.  This membership may be revoked at any time for bad behavior or other similar reasons, at MomoCon’s discretion.
  2. Volunteer staff will be given volunteer shirts to wear at the event. MomoCon makes no guarantee that any volunteer will receive a specific size shirt, due to limited availability, but will attempt to provide most sizes. All volunteers will receive a special hard card volunteer badge.
  3. All volunteers will have the opportunity to take part in a volunteer-exclusive raffle for prizes.
  4. All volunteers  who have successfully completed hours satisfactorily for their department are welcome to attend a Wrap Party late night on Sunday after the end of all MomoCon events.


  1. Volunteer meetings, volunteer events, and communications between Directors and general volunteer staff contain information from MomoCon which may be confidential and privileged. Please refrain from any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this information and note that such actions are prohibited until an official statement is released by the convention. This includes guest announcements, events, and convention policies and practices.




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